Welcome to Trinkster's Technophobes

Here you will find the profound thinking of an educational technologist. This blog was the creation of a class conversation about Blogs in the "early years" of blogging.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


AAGH !!!

Too many passwords! I think my last count was 16.

Change this one here. This one on August 3, At least I get e-mails on some of them...

Change this one for the U, this one for Facebook, this one for blogger... when does it really end?

Oh BTW U need to change this The U one every 3 months and it can't be the same sequence for 6 cycles. (or something like that.)
blah, blah, blah.

How does one really keep track of them all?

I know- I could start placing it under my keyboard.

Oh that would be real SMRT.

Just the rantings of a real lunatic.


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